Monday, September 28, 2009

A newborn is without her mom.

I used to belong to local boards on I stopped posting a long time ago but it took me a long time to stop lurking. Because when I start caring about people, it's hard for me to stop. I finally forced myself away and that's been that.

Until today.

This weekend, one of the ladies became brain dead after suffering an amniotic fluid embolism and disseminated intravascular coagulation while delivering her beautiful, full-term, and healthy baby girl. Yesterday, she was taken off of life support.

I'm in shock about this. I wasn't close to her at all, but she was a beautiful, kind, good-natured, and loving woman. She deserved to become a mom so much, and I was so happy that she was going to get her happily-ever-after.

I'm going to link to other people's blogs and posts about this. They've set up a paypal account to accept donations. There's some talk of collecting donated breastmilk for Gaby if you're local to Southern California. They're also having an Inland Empire yard sale to raise some money, and Matt Logelin of the Liz Logelin Foundation is also offering support and advice.

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